
Spiritually, Animals bares a great significance in humans life, not only for consumption and sacrifice, but they are also here to aid us in our journey, at least the ones who doesn’t try to eat us. They cannot speak  like human beings so their intuition is heightened, you may even say that they have what is called extra sensory perception. A Dog seems to howl as if in mourning when someone is about to die. When Bees comes around they usually brings money, while Wasps creates confusion and arguments, Ants carry the message of travel, tells of rain or sometimes quarrel and the Owl bears the burden of Death. Supernatural beings, demons or Ghost can never possess a Cock, a Dove or a Lamb, says Mr. Mitchel, one of my Spiritual mentors, according to him. these animals are special to the Christ and situations surrounding him, the Cock crowed thrice when Peter denied Christ, the Dove descended on the Christ should at his baptism and the Christ is called the Lamb of the world. Butterflies represents your guardian angels,the snail represents peace and the Orisha Obatala, who is the Orisha for peace. A Fox is cunning, and a Lion represents strength. Dolphins saved the life of Elian Gonzalez, here is the story… More


When I was a child growing up in Kingston  Jamaica, I had problems with cats. They would find their way into my room at nights, and I would wake up to see them sitting on my bed staring at me. It was traumatic, to say the least. They never hurt me, but those piercing eyes would stare at me in the night, looking even more frightening because of the reflection from the moon on their eyes. I always knew that there was more to a cats existence, they (to me )moved very sinister, bold and daring and I saw in them the actions of human beings…do not ask me to explain!!!.As I grew up, (I was living in the States by then), I began to observe them more. A friend of mine, Winsome had a huge black cat living in her house, it was the family pet, whenever I visited her house the cat would jump on the china cabinet in the living room and stare at me without winking, He would not move until I left. It was as if he was seeing something with me and although he did not act afraid he seemed wary, of what I did not know,,,Then!!!…..Now I do!!.. Once when I was sitting on my porch , it was night and a very effeminate black and white cat, (I knew it was a girl, by the way she walked and switch, her posture and she was just overall very feminine), walked into my gate, I stood up and yelled at her say saying “Not tonight, do not come in here tonight, please leave!!,..” she backed up from the gate, looked up at me, (I was on the third floor, of a private house) and left. She never came back.

I was going to Africa once and I was supposed to take my small daughter with me, I had sent someone to go to the Nigerian embassy to pick up our visa and I was busy on the road with her gathering up a few things that I needed to bring with us. While driving I saw a black cat run across the street in front of my car. Let me pause for a moment and tell you all that I AM NOT AT ALL SUPERSTITIOUS!!!…I AM A DOUBTFUL THOMAS, as a matter of fact I go out of my way to walk under ladders, and to step on cracks, I love Friday the 13th and I fear nothing, but that day when I saw the cat run before my car, an eerie feeling took over my body and my own head told me that I was about to be disappointed about something. Ten minutes later, I found out that my daughter’s visa was denied. She could not travel with me to Nigeria, after all the money that I spent on her ticket and other things. Since then anytime disappointment is coming to me, I notice that a black cat would cross my path, that saying is QUITE true, but not for everybody. I had a client come to me sometime ago, he had lost one of his eyes, his story goes…he was driving one day and a black cat ran in front of his vehicle, he killed it. Three days after, he opened the hood of his car to check something, (he was a mechanic), and something exploded into his face causing him to lose his eye….he attributed the accident to him killing the cat.  These animals are high spiritual beings, they are messengers, and they can bring  good or  bad omens. They are not ordinary animals. They are highly spiritual animals, and should not be ignored. However, bear in mind that  they have NO loyalty, to anyone!!! Enjoy the article below. 

From the Ancient Egyptian temple cats to the domesticated cat curled up in front of an electric fire, cats have always carried with them an air of mystery and mysticism. Even the most visually unattractive of cats, the three-legged stray or the mat-furred mog, have an attitude which suggests some hidden knowledge, a secret which they have chosen not to share. It is no surprise, then, that the cat has always featured so prominently in religion and mythology. More