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Hello everyone, this post is to announce the next set of classes that will be coming up. We are still on the topic of Spiritual Baths and Cleansing as it is very extensive. The first half of this course (4 weeks) that is now happening is about the Recognition and Removal of Negative Energies. The second half (5 weeks) will be about the Pulling of Positive Energies into your lives.




The first time I experienced Sleep Paralysis “duppy hol dung” was when I was a child of six years old in Jamaica, this is my earliest memory. It was torturous. I heard my mother singing in the kitchen, I felt the sun streaming in and beaming down on my bed, I heard the birds in our next door neighbour’s Mr. Henry mango tree whistling, and I could not wake up. I smelled my mother’s ackee and saltfish that she was preparing for breakfast and I tried to scream but could not. I felt my father’s presence come into my room, smelled the ganja he was smoking and I wanted to shout “Daddy help me!” but my lips could not move. The air was tight and I felt as if I would suffocate, I had not thought of death back then while this happened or the fear of it, I just wanted my mother. My small body attempted to shake myself awake and all of a sudden I jolted awake, gasping for air. Ears ringing, heart racing, me sweating and afraid. It was to be the first (perhaps the first, this was my first memory) of many of my sleep paralysis experiences, and when I became Obara Meji, the experience took on a different feeling, a very different one…




When I met Mr. Mitchell one of the three wonderful mentors who helped me along my path, read here, I was in awe of his divining skills. He was a christian man, a Bishop, but he had a remarkable gift, one that although he worked it, he never fully embraced it. I believe because he use to curse his eguns (spirits of the dead, or ancestors, his messengers, non physicals). Let me be as clear as I possible can in explaining him to you all. He always told me that anywhere I went and heard spiritual people ringing a bell “ah duppy/ghost dem ah call”. He did not want to have anything to do with the dead, and at the time I did not understand why. Unfortunately it was because of his religion, christianity, o ma se o (what a pity)! I work with them, Eguns, all the time, since I am not under the restraints of Christianity whey love frighten people outta dem clothes (scare their followers) with no explanation as to why people must forget dem ole granny after she die and run har when she come around, why? Jesus had a body, was alive, died and is now venerated and worshipped, he is an Egun! A deified one, but one nevertheless. Can we say hypocrisy!  More



There was a time in my life when I wondered what this meant, the title of the post. I had so many people in my life that I wanted to please and this did not include myself. Although I was hurting, this was a time of the wicked baby father and his wicked woman and evil family, I wanted to forgive them all for making me cry, depressed and sad, always. I wanted everything to be ok, I wanted to laugh and be joyous, and be happy. I prayed for them to love me and wondered night and day why they didn’t. I realized after a while that they were uncomfortable when they hurt me and I spoke of the hurt, they never owned up to the pain they inflicted on me. The baby father had cheated and here came this woman who came with painful fangs and vile intentions, and I was supposed to accept it.




It took me a while as I walked my life here on earth (still walking) to realize what an old saying (proverb) my primary school teacher in Jamaica, Mrs. Bodden, taught me (or rather, what I would hear her repeat from time to time) when I was eight years old meant. ‘All that glitters is not gold”, she would say. Things are not always what they seem, or the attractive external appearance of something is not a reliable indication of its true nature. Even the bible says the arm of man will fail you, you dare not trust your own! I was one, who wanted to see the good in all things and everyone, my perception of life is that there is good in everyone. When I often would see people true colors come out, I was shocked and hurt for long. Hardly able to believe that I was that naive, and that I made the same mistakes over and over again, until I realized, when I became who I am, Obara Meji, that you repeat life lessons until you get the meaning, until you learn. This world has harsh realities, and when they hit, it is what some would call a wake up call, a reality check, and even so, I was/am the person to still believe that good still exist. I refuse to believe, to accept that so many of the world’s inhabitants are so bad. But it is true, most of the world’s inhabitants, are really no good. O ma se o! (such pity)




Be who you are, no matter what the world may criticize. Many people in life who do not have their own identity or have no idea of their own purpose will try to impose their opinions unto you and how you should live, and even if you are still searching to find yourself in this world of chaos and strife, a world filled with much evil and little good, pray your way through. You will get to who you are and your purpose in time, never rush or hurry your life. Accept who you are and be passionate in all things that you do and with what is important to you. If there is no passion for your work or anything you are involved in, then you are on the wrong path, search yourself, find yourself, find your path. More


Embracing Spirituality


When I attended the revival churches, I enjoyed it. To be honest most of the people there made me laugh. Yes, I laughed at them, not in a bad way, I laughed in a funny way, if that makes any sense to you, but it was in no way bad, no, not at all. Sister Simit, it’s actually Smith, but Jamaicans (not me ooo!) especially the ones from the country says Simit, instead of Smith, I always thought that was funny, it’s a patois thing!  Sister Simit was married to Brother Simit who everyone suspected was gay, probably because of his love for everything pink. Pastor Green wore dentures, and whenever she preached they would clip, clop like horse hooves walking very loudly through the mike. I loved when the spirit possessed them and the whole church was all in a frenzy, anyone wearing dentures had to take them out when…

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Hello all, I want to thank all who attended class today even though class went on for over 3 hours and I am completely exhausted, I had a wonderful time. I must say all of you, every one of you who I saw today, were extremely beautiful (the women) and handsome (the men). Your presence, your essence, your glow and personalities, all came through cyber world and greeted me, Obara Meji, as I greeted you back. I hope that you all learned some great things today of which I know you will not share here in your comments, if you do comment, and I enjoyed imparting some of what I know to you. I must say before I decided to do the online class I cringed at sharing these important pieces of knowledge with people whom I’ve never met.




Hello everyone, today I made a post titled “What Do You Think?” In the post there is a video attached, and in the video you will see a Guyanese (not Trinidadian as the video’s title wrongfully states) woman being interviewed. I asked that everyone try to interpret what they saw and I purposely did not comment because I did not want to influence your interpretations. Now, however, I am ready to break everything down, and by this I mean interpret for you what I, Obara Meji, saw with this woman and what I have heard from her and also all that could not be seen by the unconscious/unawake.


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